i2CAT Foundation - Company Research Report
Company Overview
i2CAT Foundation
Mission of the Company
Designing and building the future digital society by leveraging knowledge from cutting-edge European and local R&D projects in various advanced digital technology fields.
Year Founded
No information is available.
Key People
- Laura Vilagrà - President of the i2CAT Foundation, Vicepresident of the Government of Catalonia.
- Dr. Jesus Alonso-Zarate - 6G Program Director.
- Dr. Yuri Murillo - Strategic Program Manager.
C\ Gran Capità 2-4 Edifici Nexus I, 2ª planta, 08034 Barcelona, Spain.
Number of Employees
No information is available.
No information is available.
What is the Company Known For
i2CAT is known for its pioneering work in digital research and innovation across a spectrum of advanced technologies such as 5G/6G, AI, cybersecurity, IoT, immersive technologies, and blockchain.
Products and Technologies
Products and Descriptions
Mobile Wireless Internet (MWI)
- Description: Focuses on wireless technologies at the intersection of 5G and IoT.
- Key Features: Wireless solutions for constrained devices, software-defined wireless networks, vehicular communications with applications in smart cities, factories, and mobile networks.
Software Networks (SN)
- Description: Researches new ways to provision and manage future internet networks.
- Key Features: Virtualizes network functions, integrates cloud technologies, and develops 5G services.
Immersive and Interactive Technologies
- Description: Develops immersive and interactive experiences for internet distribution and consumption.
- Key Features: Human-Computer Interaction, distributed and interactive systems, creation of novel content formats such as 360º video, point cloud, and 3D.
Distributed Artificial Intelligence
- Description: Applies Big Data and AI to create intelligent connectivity services.
- Key Features: Focus on 5G networks, IoT Big Data, and cybersecurity using machine learning techniques.
AI-Driven Systems
- Description: Focuses on leveraging networked systems and AI for a digital transformation of society.
- Key Features: Provides AI-driven solutions for multiple industries, ensuring cost-efficient delivery and addressing stringent industry-specific requirements.
Space Communications
- Description: Aims to develop novel communication technologies for satellite and Earth observation missions.
- Key Features: Focuses on non-terrestrial networks, software-defined networks over satellites, and quantum technologies for satellite communications.
Recent Developments
Recent Developments in the Company
- i2CAT was awarded 23 projects under the Horizon Europe funding program (2021-2027) with a budget of more than 9.5 million euros.
- i2CAT's research teams are involved in various initiatives aimed at shaping the future of 6G.
New Products Launched
- No information is available.
New Features Added to Existing Products
- No information is available.
New Partnerships
- i2CAT and SIMON Partnership: Collaborating to develop an AI-based solution for isolating words from the AINA database for managing smart home devices in Catalan.
- Vodafone and i2CAT Partnership: Jointly developing an automated Open RAN management system to improve innovation and security.
- Collaboration with Autopistas: In the DIMOS 5G project for the deployment of smart roads.
Contact Information
- Phone: (+34) 93 553 25 10
- Fax: (+34) 93 553 25 20
- Email: fundacio@i2cat.net
- Address: C\ Gran Capità 2-4 Edifici Nexus I, 2ª planta, 08034 Barcelona, Spain.
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the i2CAT Foundation based on available information about the company's mission, key personnel, research areas, products, and recent developments. Continuous R&D efforts in advanced digital technologies have established i2CAT as a central player in both local and international innovation ecosystems.