Company Research Report: InPlanet
Company Overview
- Mission: InPlanet aims to remove gigatons of CO2 from the atmosphere while regenerating soils in the tropics, addressing the urgent challenge of climate change.
- Foundation Date: August 2022
- Founders: Felix Harteneck and Niklas Kluger
- Felix Harteneck, CEO & Co-founder
- Niklas Kluger, COO & Co-founder
- Chloé Bigio, Head of Business Development
- Dr. Christina Larkin, Head of Science & Research
- James Greenhalgh CITP MBCS, Head of Product
- Amanda da Silva, Social Media & Science Copywriter
- Carlos Westermann, Finance and Administration Lead
- Avenida Limeira 1131, 13414-018 Piracicaba, SP - Brazil
- Heinrich-Geißler-Straße 20, 80939 München - Germany
- Number of Employees: 37 team members representing 14 nationalities
- Revenue: No information is available
- Known For: InPlanet is known for its pioneering work in Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) to remove atmospheric CO2 and for promoting sustainable agricultural practices in the tropics.
- Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW)
- Description: ERW is a natural carbon removal process that accelerates rock weathering to sequester CO2.
- CO2 Removal: Utilizes finely ground silicate rocks to capture and store CO2.
- Soil Regeneration: Enhances soil fertility and health.
- Nutrient Supply: Provides essential nutrients to soils, aiding crop production.
- Long-Term Carbon Storage: Stores carbon in the form of stable bicarbonates in oceans and soils.
Recent Developments
- Funding: In November 2023, InPlanet raised a Seed round to increase funding to €5.6M from leading impact, climate, and deeptech investors.
- Research: Published a game-changing paper on the Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) of ERW science in Q2 2024.
- Expansion: Successfully spread 50,000 tonnes of rock powder across agricultural land by early 2024, on track to reach 200,000 tonnes by end of 2024.
- Team Growth: The team headcount has more than doubled, growing to 37 members by Q1 2024.
- No information is available
- New Features Added to Existing Products:
- No information is available
- Frontier’s Advance Market Commitment: Part of the 2022 Batch to accelerate CDR technologies.
- Funding Partners: FoodLabs, Salvia, Mudcake, Carbon Removal Partners, and Übermorgen Ventures.
- Industry Engagements: Hosted its first agricultural community engagement event in Brazil in Q3 2023.
Contact Information
- Contact Email:
- Avenida Limeira 1131, 13414-018 Piracicaba, SP - Brazil
- Heinrich-Geißler-Straße 20, 80939 München - Germany
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