Company Research Report: TKT Engineering Sp. z o.o.
Company Overview
- Name: TKT Engineering Sp. z o.o.
- Mission: Oferowanie kompleksowych rozwiązań w zakresie technicznego wyposażenia budynków w instalacje sanitarne, elektryczne i mechaniczne oraz zapewnienie kompleksowych usług projektowania, montażu, uruchomienia, a także serwisowania instalacji.
- Founded: December 2003
- Founder(s): No information is available
- Key People: No information is available
- Headquarters: Warsaw, Poland
- Address: Ul. Pryzmaty 4, 02-226 Warsaw
- Number of Employees: No information is available
- Revenue: No information is available
- Known For: Specializing in HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems and other building technical installations.
Offered Products and Services
- Heating Systems (Grzewcze)
- Description: Includes installation of heating systems for various building types.
- Key Features: Comprehensive installation from design to final implementation.
- Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems (Wentylacji i Klimatyzacji)
- Description: Solutions for both everyday ventilation and specialized fire ventilation.
- Key Features: High-efficiency systems with provisions for energy recovery.
- Sanitary Installations (Sanitarne)
- Description: Water supply and drainage systems.
- Key Features: Water cooling process technology and white goods installation.
- Electrical Installations (Elektryczne)
- Description: Complete electrical solutions including transformer stations and automation systems.
- Key Features: Ensures energy-efficient and safety-focused implementations.
- Fire Protection Systems (Systemy Zabezpieczeń Przeciwpożarowych)
- Description: Fire sprinklers, gas suppression, and fire hydrant systems.
- Key Features: Advanced fire suppression and alert systems.
- Technological Process Installations (Instalacji Procesów Technologicznych)
- Description: Compressed air systems, steam installations, and heat recovery in production processes.
- Key Features: Focuses on enhancing production efficiencies and compliance with environmental standards.
- Ecological Systems (Systemy Proekologiczne)
- Description: Integration of heat pumps, solar panels, and cogeneration units.
- Key Features: Sustainable energy solutions for modern buildings.
- Clean Room Technology (Technologia Czystych Pomieszczeń)
- Description: Design and implementation of clean rooms.
- Key Features: Includes technology processes, equipment selection, and validation systems.
Recent Developments
Recent Projects
1. Mercedes – Jawor
- Description: Installation work on the first Mercedes-Benz engine factory in Poland.
- Features: Ventilation, water and gas systems, heating systems, and technological cooling installations.
- Completion Date: 2018 – 2020
- Location: Jawor, Poland
- Involvement: Part of a consortium led by Strabag Sp. z o.o.
2. Hotel Holiday Inn – Gdańsk
- Description: Installation in a complex of 2 buildings featuring a historic granary.
- Features: Ventilation, fumigation system, sanitary and heating installations with BMS.
- Completion Date: 2018 – 2019
- Location: Gdańsk, Poland
3. Business Garden – Poznań
- Description: An innovative office complex with LEED Gold precertification.
- Features: Ventilation systems, heat and cooling installations.
- Completion Date: 2013 – 2019
- Location: Poznań, Poland
4. Wielkopolskie Centrum Pediatrii – Poznań
- Description: A modern pediatric hospital with specialized emergency services for children.
- Features: Comprehensive sanitary and mechanical installations including gas and ventilation systems.
- Completion Date: 2019 – 2022
- Location: Poznań, Poland
Partnerships and Collaborations
- IGO Industries
- Description: TKT Engineering Sp. z o.o. is part of the IGO Industries group which allows access to the latest installation technologies and supports contract management.
- Benefit: Enables integration of mechanical and electrical installation services within the same projects through the parent company's resources.
No information is available on revenue, number of employees, new features added to existing products, and more.