Contact Information:
Name: Saravana Raj Shanmugam
Company: Qualcomm
The accurate professional contact profile for Saravana Raj Shanmugam at Qualcomm could not be directly confirmed among multiple search results. Notably, the aggregated data primarily referenced various other individuals with similar names across different companies and roles.
Significant profiles for others with similar names across different companies that did not correspond to Qualcomm were excluded to maintain relevance and clarity for target profiling. These include:
- Saravanan Shanmugam - Senior Software Engineer at Wayfair
- Saravanan Palanisamy Shanmugam - Technical Program Manager at PWC
- Saravanan Shanmugam - Assistant Professor at Chennai Institute of Technology
- Saravanan Shanmugam - Assistant Research Professor at Auburn University
- Saravanan("Sara") Shanmugam - VP & Global Head
Documentation Insights:
From the available documents, the mention of Saravana Raj S. possibly linked with IVTL Infoview Technologies and another Raj Shanmugam associated with multiple companies, including Qualcomm India, was highlighted. Specific details from these inclusions are critical:
Document Evidence:
1. PSG College of Technology 2018 Batch Placement List:
- Note: Listings include Raj S. at IVTL Infoview Technologies Pvt. Ltd., potentially connected based on naming conventions.
2. KCG College Alumni Newsletter:
- Mentions of Qualcomm but lacks direct attribution to Saravana Raj Shanmugam.
Given the similar names capturing related yet varied profiles across the tech and engineering sectors, the direct linking to a specific Saravana Raj Shanmugam at Qualcomm was challenging. However, extrapolating from educational background details and potential indirect mentions in placement lists, it appears plausible that Saravana Raj Shanmugam could have educational or professional overlap with recent hires or alumni listed in tech roles.
1. LinkedIn Verification:
- Conduct a targeted LinkedIn search with advanced filters specific to Qualcomm employees to narrow down the exact match.
2. Internal Reference Check:
- Utilize internal databases or colleague networks within Qualcomm to confirm the professional details of Saravana Raj Shanmugam.
3. Educational Institution Cross-Reference:
- Engage with PSG College of Technology/related institutions for recent alumni data directly linked with placement records for precise identification.
The detailed profiling for Saravana Raj Shanmugam within Qualcomm remains partially inconclusive with the current data, necessitating further refined searches or direct inquiry methods leveraging internal company resources or educational connect points for exact validated details.