Tanuj Aasawat - AI Research Scientist, Intel Labs
Profile Links:
- [LinkedIn](https://in.linkedin.com/in/tanujkraasawat)
- [Google Scholar](https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=c4iUuHAAAAAJ&hl=en)
- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/taasawat)
Current Position:
AI Research Scientist at Intel Labs, Bengaluru, India
Professional Background:
- Master of Applied Science (MASc), Computer Science (2015-2018): University of British Columbia
- Advisor: Professor Matei Ripeanu
- Thesis: Scale-Free Graph Processing on a NUMA Machine
- Achievements: Developed a NUMA-architecture aware graph processing framework. Secured World Rank 2 in Graph500 challenge (June 2018).
Previous Experience:
- Researcher (Oct 2018 - Present): RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Projects, Tokyo, Japan.
- Focus: High Performance Computing (HPC) and Applied AI
- Achievements: Developed a novel massively parallel Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) for de novo Molecule Generation, HyGN: Hybrid Graph processing engine for NUMA, among others.
- Graduate Research Assistant (Sep 2015 - Sep 2018): University of British Columbia
- Key Contributions: Designed and implemented a high-performance NUMA-aware graph processing framework. Multiple top performances in Graph500 challenges.
- Internships:
- Amazon Web Services, Vancouver (Fall 2016): Designed and implemented a system for AWS RDS-Oracle clients.
- IBM Research - Almaden, San Jose (Summer 2016): GPU acceleration for Deep Learning in Apache SystemML.
- Mitacs Globalink Research Intern, University of British Columbia (Summer 2014): Parallel clustering coefficient computation algorithm on GPUs.
- 3v Geomatics Inc, Vancouver (June - July 2014): Accelerated a linear algebra kernel in InSAR processing pipeline on GPU.
- Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (May - June 2013): Developed models for language evolution using Genetic Algorithms.
Research Interests and Notable Projects:
- High Performance Computing (HPC)
- Large-scale Graph Analytics
- Applied Artificial Intelligence
Significant Research Contributions:
- Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) applied to real-world problems and molecule generation.
- NUMA-Architecture Graph Processing Framework: Achieved exceptional performance gains, recognized in global Graph500 rankings.
- Publications:
- Scale-Free Graph Processing on a NUMA machine: ACM/IEEE Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and Algorithms (2018).
- Performance Analysis on CPU, GPU, and Hybrid Graph Processing Frameworks: IEEE International Workshop on High-Performance Big Data (2018).
- Efficient GPU Techniques for Processing Satellite Image Data: Super Computing Conference (2015).
- Other technical papers and posters presented in reputable conferences.
Awards and Recognitions:
- Hult Prize Regional Finalist (2018)
- UBC Graduate Research Assistantship (2015 - Present)
- ACM/IEEE Travel Grants for SuperComputing Conferences (2014, 2015, 2017)
- International HPC Summer School Participant, Boulder, Colorado (2017): Selected from prestigious international university representatives.
- Mitacs Globalink Graduate Fellowship (2015)
- Multiple Merit-Cum-Means Scholarships during academic tenure
Professional Skills and Technologies:
- Programming: C/C++, Java, CUDA, OpenMP, PThreads
- Technologies: AWS, Cloud Computing, Nvidia GPUs, JCuda, cuBLAS, cuDNN
- Specialized Competencies: NUMA architecture, large-scale graph analytics, high-performance computing frameworks
Publications and Presentations:
Tanuj has published several impactful papers focusing on advanced graph processing and high-performance computing in renowned journals and conferences. This includes contributions to the ACM/IEEE workshops and other notable scientific gatherings.
Tanuj Aasawat brings considerable expertise in HPC and AI, making him a valuable contact within Intel Labs. His background in developing cutting-edge graph processing frameworks and deep learning acceleration demonstrates his ability to contribute to high-stakes, innovative projects. Leveraging his experience and publications could offer strategic insights and potential collaborations in advanced computational research and development initiatives.